Psychic Readings for Corporate Events, Fundraisers, Personal Parties & Events
Victor is one of Cincinnati and St. Petersburg’s most trusted psychic mediums.
Victor presented an evening of gallery-style mediumship at his “Reunions: Messages from Spirit” fundraising event at St. Petersburg’s Catherine Hickman Theater. He has done mediumship events for Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, many corporate events and fundraisers for various charitable organizations. Please contact Victor to discuss group readings for events and fundraisers.
Victor is also available for readings at your personal party or event. His readings are upbeat and positive, but accurate, real readings appropriate for any age group. Parties can be tailored to your specific event. Contact Victor to discuss details.
As a general guide, for a personal psychic party, Victor likes to have 8-12 people for 15 minute readings, or 4-6 for half hour readings, or a combination. At psychic parties people usually get 15 minute readings for $50. The half hour readings are $100. This includes a digital recording of the reading which can be emailed to each person if they like.
“We have our date set for our Signature Event! We’re getting an early start on securing our service providers and wanted to start with you, our most popular!”
If the host or hostess is paying for the readings, Victor’s hourly rate is $175 for the first hour and $150 for additional hours. For large groups, the hourly rate works best, and readings can be as short as 5 minutes to accommodate a larger group. Recordings are not provided for short readings.
Victor can also do Mediumship, delivering messages from loved ones in Spirit for your family or group . This can be followed by private readings during the same visit.
Parties can be in person if you are in Tampa Bay, or by Zoom worldwide. Please call (513-310-3366) or email ([email protected]) to schedule. Please note: Victor requires a smoke-free environment for in person readings and message circles. He will travel for corporate and fundraising events.
“Hey Victor, you wouldn’t believe how people are still talking about you and what you said to them! You sure were a hit at the party!”
Victor has been a radio and television personality since 1992: