Lectures & Classes
Victor was on the faculty of Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center in Covington, KY where he taught classes in psychic development, ghosts and hauntings, past lives and other metaphysical topics. He also lectures at expos and retreats around the country.
Victor has presented his popular seminar, “Ask A Psychic,” to many standing-room-only audiences. He also does Mediumship Readings to groups large and small.
Other lecture topics include: Spirit Communication, The Chakras, Transforming Depression, Meditation, Past Lives and many others. Victor is available for public speaking on many metaphysical topics.
“I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful class Tuesday, as usual! Each class and each series just gets better and better… words cannot express how much your classes have helped me and how much I appreciate your caring spirit and what it brings to the world.”
“I was blown away by Victor’s presentation titled ‘Exploring Past Lives,’ which was geared toward people with no prior knowledge of the topic (just as his lecture this weekend is). And Victor did a great job introducing people to the subject—with historical and fascinating background information. Yet I, who had studied the subject for years, learned brand-new-to-me things that prompted me to study further, and my life is more fulfilling today because of it.”
“Your talk was by far the most compelling, educational, and thought provoking.”
“Victor’s presentation was enriched by his sharing openly so many insights from his personal experiences with past life exploration. I was both surprised and touched to see a side of Victor of which I hadn’t been aware prior to then—that he has such a genuinely humble and approachable nature. Learning that about someone who is so successful—well, I came away with the inspiration that I, too, could remain true to myself and achieve success.”
“Last night’s class was wonderful!!! You really are such a gifted teacher. I have a couple of reasons for writing to you. One is to share with you something that happened during our meditation last night – I did not mention it in class – one, because sometimes I just don’t feel like it – though last night, I felt like it might be strange. Anyway, I forget at what part we were in the meditation – but I was way gone. This little heavy woman appeared to me in a taunting kind of way – kind of moving around me – and all of a sudden out of the dark above her, seemingly coming from the top of my vision – though dark – came a sword. I immediately knew this as Michael the Archangel – who is in the picture I have from the last class – the sword just cut the cord between this little woman and myself and she was gone – and so was Michael and the sword. I wondered if this was the imposter spirit you mentioned to me last week. Whatever it is, it is just fascinating.”
Victor has been a radio and television personality since 1992: